The Halloween Apocalypse: Are You Prepared?

“If you are reading this, you are blissfully unaware of what’s creeping up behind you…”

Managed to find a picture of one of those monsters...

November 1, 2012

It’s so late, and I am so tired, but I can’t sleep… I can’t let myself rest even for a moment because if I fall asleep I’m guaranteed to be one dead woman.

…or worse than dead.

I’ve got to go easy on my provisions, since I’ve barricaded myself into my house, I’m down to precious few provisions… thankfully the water still works, but I have no heat, no electricity, and the food is getting scarce. I stare out the window at my apple tree just 30 yards away, but a dash to that tree for a sweet, overripe apple would be a dash to my death. It’s starting to resemble a mousetrap in my head.

No matter… they’ll be back for me soon enough.

As I write this, I’m seriously angry at myself… all of those blog posts about crafts, all of that time I spent writing about Halloween preparations. It’s so ironic that I would spend hours and years devoted to  helping all of us out by writing about “preparing” for Halloween, when the only thing I really needed to prepare for was my own demise.

Quite frankly, I’m surprised I lasted this long. I spent so much time reading about this zombie-themed party or that witches ball, that I forgot that not all of this stuff is  about holiday fun…maybe I just wanted to forget? I don’t know why or how I managed, but I know I forgot the cardinal rule of anyone who understands the dark undertow that exists around Halloween…

You want a Halloween expert? Well, you got one, and if you want to live, you’ll pay attention. All of those news reports of zombie attacks? Well, those aren’t just coincidences, those are real. The stories about the vampires? Real, too. You’re probably laughing, thinking this is just another silly prank. Let me assure you, with my last dying breath, that it is not.

It all happened so fast…I can hardly believe it. I can’t believe I was just happily making cookies with my grandkids last week. No matter, they are all gone, too. My heart aches. If only I’d listened…if only I’d shared what I knew, what I really knew in my soul about Halloween. I’d always joked that I’d be one of the last survivors should the invasion start…oh, how horrific that I was right. How will I ever forgive myself for not protecting so many innocents when I had the ability to tell them the truth!? This isn’t some silly holiday about candy and pumpkins…so many lies that we tell the kids… no, that we tell ourselves so we can sleep at night.

Oh those poor people!  I can see them now… running around to Halloween galas in their silly costumes…all of those men dressed as vampires and werewolves, those women in useless sexy pinup outfits, the nurse, the French maid…that stunning woman I saw in the Cleopatra costume.… they are all gone now…lying dead, or dying in the streets, or worse already transformed and attacking the few of us that are left. I shudder to think about their eyes, so black, without life, without souls, doomed, lusting only for more death….yours, and mine.

There’s no time for regret or mourning now… I think I can hear them scraping at my bedroom door…

so please, please if there’s one thing that all of you can learn from me, from this… don’t get sucked into the holiday insanity… I can’t believe I fell for it! And I knew the truth!

I just so desperately wanted it to be over, but I knew it was coming again… all of this holiday stuff? Oh God! It’s just a ruse! I discovered it years ago, the people who manufacture the holiday goods–candy, costumes, decorations–they are the only people who survive….really, the only people who ever survive….

It’s ironic that I knew the truth the whole time and ended up peddling their wares, too. They aren’t doing to make money, or to have fun…they are doing it to distract you from the truth. I call them the Candy Men….humans that use other humans in order to survive. They trick you into thinking Halloween is all fun and games, and they’ve won…they’re safe.

You see, once distracted, you make easy targets…you, my friends, are the bait.

They knew this would happen…they saw it coming…they preyed on all of your hedonistic impulses–food, drinks, parties–if any of you are out there, please for the love of god, don’t be like me, don’t fall into the trap… arm yourselves to the teeth, get your all of your gear ready, and run like hell to any barricaded hole you can find… I’m so sorry! I’m sorry!

The invasion has started, and there’s nothing more I can do to help you. They’re coming for me, too. I know I’m going to die, but I’m taking a few of them with me… and hopefully someone out there will read this and be spared my fate….


R.I.P. Emma Rae Curtis…Emma Rae was a costume and Halloween expert. She will be missed. She mainly wrote about Halloween but also about all things costume and dress-up related. This final blog post was one of her signature pranks… please do not be alarmed, and continue with your Halloween fun!

Posted in Halloween Costumes | Leave a comment

Thirsty? Top 5 Halloween Cocktails

For A Spirited Evening, Make It A Cocktail & Costume Party


A great Halloween party has equal parts ambiance, costumes and libation.  Narrowing down the right cocktail for the job can be a bit of a headache with hundreds of mixers and alcohol to choose from. Below is a list of five great Halloween drink concoctions that are sure to please any pallet.  Great for any guest, be it the easy-to-satisfy beer drinker or the refined whiskey sipper, these cocktails will spice up your party, and with holiday drink presentation, the ambiance, too.



Photo via Skyy Vodka

The Black Widow
If vodka is your forte then this cocktail is sure to get the job done.  Leaning on the sweeter side, this spooky drink calls for the following:

  • Crème de cassis
  • Vodka
  • Triple Sec
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • Pomegranate juice
  • Licorice strips for pizazz

To begin, take one part of all the above ingredients, with the exception of the vodka and cassis, of which you’ll need three and two parts, respectively.  Throw all these bad boys into a shaker and you’ll have enough Black Widow for two.  But don’t stop here; add some licorice strips to hang over the rim of the glass to give the illusion of a big scary spider just waiting to jump out at anyone who dares to drink.
Ginger Brew

A great whiskey cocktail can be a terrifying addition to a Halloween bash for those vampires in costume with more sophisticated taste levels.  For this drink, you need to have:

  • Bourbon
  • Orange juice
  • A lemon
  • Ginger ale
  • Olives

To whip up one of these concoctions you’ll need about two ounces of your desired bourbon, three ounces of orange juice and a squeeze from a half of a lemon all poured into one shaker.  After the ingredients are properly shaken, top the drink with a ginger ale floater and garnish with some olives.
Spooky Tip: If you have access to some large, pitted green olives and a little bit of creativity, you can cut out some great “pumpkin-esque” features into them and drop them on top.  This addition is sure to get your guests buzzing.

The Black Death

Beer-based cocktails are becoming more and more popular as mixologists experiment with what a great beer can do in the cocktail creation process.  The Black Death is a simple take on this idea. It calls for:

  • A great, dark porter
  • Gin of choice

Pour your porter of choice into a pint glass and drop a shot glass full of your best gin into the mix.  The beer should foam a bit on top creating a nice layered effect and great flavor contrast for those who wish to try this drink.

Devil’s Whiskers

This drink gets its name from the orange twists garnish that is placed in the glass at the end.  While some of the ingredients in here might initially turn you away, this cocktail begs to be made and your guests in Halloween costumes will be sure to agree.  To mix this one up you will need:

  • Gin
  • Sweet vermouth
  • Dry vermouth
  • Orange juice
  • Grand Marnier
  • Bitters

Take a half ounce of the gin, sweet vermouth, dry vermouth and orange juice and combine it with two teaspoons of Grand Marnier and a teaspoon of bitters.  Mix these together in a shaker and pour into a martini glass.  Peel an orange into thin, circular strips and place them on the rim. Now you have yourself a tasty, gin-based Halloween treat.

The Green Slime

This cocktail is visually unappealing, but works with the Halloween motif!  With the whipped egg white and crushed mint leaves, guest might need a little coaxing to drink this one, but once they do, they’ll  be asking just how you pulled this one off.  To get this one together you will need:

  • Dark rum
  • Mint leaves
  • Spiced cordial syrup (Fee Brother’s works great)
  • 1 egg white

You’ve probably been just dying to muddle something for your Halloween party and now here’s your chance.  Take about seven mint leaves a half part of syrup and muddle them together, making sure to thoroughly crush those little leaves.  Put about two parts rum into your muddle mixture and add the egg white.  Shake these ingredients together and pour it out into a martini glass.  You’ll have a delicious, foamy rum cocktail and the mint leaves add a nice spooky touch as they float to the top.
Spooky Pizazz
Want to dress up your Halloween libations even further? Consider really making those drinks pop with the addition of some of these touches that can really impress your guests.

  • Adding dry ice to any beverage turns it into a bubbly smoky drink, really adding to the ambiance.
  • If your glasses are clear you can take a paint pen or glass marker and etch on some spooky pumpkin faces to give the illusion of drinking out of a jack-o-lantern.
  • Corn syrup and red food coloring mixed together can be a great addition to a martini glass rim, just make sure to pop them in the freezer after you coat the glass to make sure they stay hard and firm for a bit longer.

What about you?  What have you whipped up for your past Halloween bashes? Have any secrets and tips of your own to share?  I’d love to hear from you!

Author Bio: An avid writer, father, and foodie, Richard Bracke loves to try out new restaurants in Charlotte, where he blogs for the website EZ Cater. He especially enjoys Spanish tapas accompanied by a nice Catalan Cava.


Posted in Extreme Halloween house decorations, General Halloween, Halloween Cocktails, Halloween food, Halloween Party Planning, Super hero cotumes | 1 Comment

Halloween Craft Ideas For You & Your Goblins

During the chilly fall, I have always loved getting together with my kids and grandkids to spend an afternoon crafting. The kids love this because they are getting used to be indoors after a summer spent outside, and having things to do for those busy little hands/bodies is always a better idea than trying to insist that they leave the grown ups to themselves. (Does that work for anyone, I wonder?)

For all of you parents and caregivers who have the crafting bug (and kiddos underfoot) I’ve rounded up a few of my favorite projects for you to do together. So, make up some mugs of spiced cider, and get out your paints, paint brushes, paint, glue, scissors and other craft tools and get ready to create. These projects are simple, kid-friendly, and if you don’t love how they turn out, you can send the crafts  home with the kids! The idea here is to spend time together, so don’t expect any masterpieces from those little would-be princesses and pirates.

Hand-painted Halloween Jars

One of my favorite crafts for kids are these glass Halloween jars. They are very simple to make, and allow for lots of kid-powered creativity. I like to use mason jars, but if money is an issue, you can recycle glass pickle, jam, or jelly jars. You just soak them in soapy water until the labels fall off, and you’ve got free paint-able jars.

For paint, you can use acrylic, but with kids, it’s best to use a water-based craft paint, which can usually be found at any craft store for less than a dollar a bottle. Give the kids each their own jar, paint bushes, paints and let their creativity run wild. Kids can turn these into jack-o-lanterns, Frankensteins,  bats, or witches with just a few brushstrokes. On Halloween, place tea light candles inside the jars and arrange them outside on your porch, in a window or as part of a table display for some nice Halloween glow.

Halloween Cards & Invitations

 Cards and invitations are another simple craft that is perfect for Halloween.

Try making black cardstock coffins that kids can paint, color or add stickers to that open to reveal party info, or just a holiday greeting. Or, use sticks, with tied-on twigs and a tag as a witch broom greeting.

You could use candy “bones” to create and glue words on a page, or have kids cut out pumpkins that open to say “Happy Halloween.”

 Halloween Goodies

Once you’ve finished up with the crafts, if you have some treats ready to go, the kids will love it. If you don’t, well, let the kids make some yummy Halloween treats with you. Think pumpkin smoothies, spice cupcakes, sugar cookies or other snacks that are easy for kids to decorate.

Above all, enjoy your time with those little martians and hobgoblins… they may seem like little demons at times, but really they’ll be full-grown before you know it, and you’ll be missing the time you spent together at home.

Happy Halloween!



Posted in Halloween Costumes For Women, Halloween Craft Ideas, Halloween Party Planning, Holiday Costumes, Holiday Crafts, jack-o-lanterns | Leave a comment

25 Cheap Student Costumes That Don’t Suck

Halloween can be loads of fun when you’re in college, whether you decide to spend the holiday going to haunted houses, partying it up, or just having friends over to watch scary movies. A big part of the fun of Halloween is in dressing up, but Halloween costumes, especially really great ones, can get pretty pricey, which doesn’t always work well when you’re working with a limited budget. Sometimes, the only way to get an amazing costume that won’t break the bank is to make your own.

While DIY costumes can sometimes be lame (think a sheet with two eye-holes cut in it), there are many budget-friendly ways to craft costumes that are actually pretty impressive, if not downright cool. We’ve collected just a few here that can help you craft your way to an amazing Halloween costume that may just make you the envy of all your friends. Get started now so you’ll be prepared by the time October 31st rolls around.

  1. LEGO people:

    This Halloween, embrace your childhood by dressing up as a LEGO person, a costume that’s both easy and cheap to make. If you want to make it even easier, just be a LEGO block instead.

  2. Pop art:

    Some makeup and a bottle of fabric paint can be all you need to make an incredible costume. Use this inspiration to give yourself the Liechtenstein look by applying small dots and outlines all over your face and body.

  3. Mac and Cheese:

    What’s a more appropriate food for a college student to dress up as than mac and cheese? Using supplies that you probably already have on hand (a laundry basket, toilet paper tubes, and duct tape) you can go as this delicious comfort food without having to spend much of anything on a costume.

  4. Rock-Paper-Scissors:

    If you’re in the market for a great group costume, why not go as the classic game Rock-Paper-Scissors? This costume is easy to make and is budget-friendly for college students who don’t have a ton to spend. Just be prepared to get challenged to play the game all night long.

  5. Pride and Prejudice zombie:

    Zombies have long been a classic cheap Halloween costume, but if you’re looking to think a bit more outside of the box, consider giving the zombie look a regency makeover by playing a zombified Jane Austen character. Surprisingly, there’s plenty of inspiration to be found, helping you easily turn a dress or a suit, some fake blood, and face paint into a cool costume. If Jane Austen isn’t your thing, there’s always zombie Abe Lincoln.

  6. Cactus:

    You don’t have to be a DIY expert to make this awesome costume. You’ll just need green sweat pants and a hoodie, pipe cleaners, and a glue gun to turn yourself into a walking saguaro. Add some flowers or desert animals for a little something extra.

  7. Brella Bat:

    A broken old umbrella and some black clothes can be transformed into a rad bat costume with pretty minimal effort and a shoestring budget. Sure, it’s not as cool as being Batman, but you’ll get serious points for creativity.

  8. Pinata:

    You aren’t likely to find a costume that’s much more budget-friendly than this one. A simple sweatsuit paired with cut up crepe paper can turn you into a human pinata. It’s a great costume, but may be a bit of a dangerous one as well, as people will likely try swatting at you all night to get candy.

  9. Paper Doll:

    Cardboard, paint, and wrapping paper combine to make this costume. It’s both budget-friendly and could be a lot of fun depending on the outfit you choose for your paper doll. If paper dolls aren’t really your thing, consider going as another paper product: toilet paper.

  10. Jellyfish:

    Leave it to the people at Martha Stewart to come up with an amazing DIY costume like this. Using an umbrella, tape, bubble wrap, cellophane, you’ll be transformed into a super cool jellyfish that will make all of your friends jealous.

    Like this post? Keep Reading!

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Surviving Halloween With Kids


Cute kid photo via

“There is nothing funny about Halloween. This sarcastic festival reflects, rather, an infernal demand for revenge by children on the adult world.”
Jean Baudrillard

I was reading an article about a mom and her son and the family chaos that can ensue when costume selection time comes along. For me, I live and breathe Halloween, and my kids have all long since left the nest, so I sometimes forget how much of a job that can be for young parents.

Whew! I’m exhausted just thinking about the effort involved in getting the wings on right, or tights that fit, or makeup that is not just colorful, but also biodegradable, ecologically-friendly, kid safe and non-toxic, in case the baby starts eating it. Making the most out of Halloween certainly has a great deal of effort involved, and having that amazing Lady Gaga or werewolf costume takes planning.

Naughty, Naughty

When it comes to wrangling a pack of wild monkeys…err, I mean, your delightful children, from the bath into a costume is enough to give most moms a headache. (Suggested Halloween shopping list addition: aspirin.)  I sympathize with all of you parents out there… There’s just so much to do! There are the grandparents who are just dying to see little Colby in his  cowboy outfit, friends who want you to come to their parties, and kids who want to eat the entire bowl of candy in one sitting. Little ones who are scared or big kids that want to pull semi-illegal pranks…then, add to that, school parties, spook alleys, community Halloween events and lots of trick-or-treaters at the doorbell, and you might get Halloweenéd-out.

But, I think it’s all about perspective. For those overachieving moms, take a breather, please…put your feet up, eat some candy! Just like you choose which battles to fight over homework and chores, holiday events need the same attention. If you are a mom already swamped with planning the first grade class fall party, and a neighbor asks you to help her with baking 300 cookies for a holiday bakes sale, is it a good plan for the family or too much of an additional burden? Moms of the world: It’s okay to say no. Practice it with me…say, “I’d love to, but I am just too darn busy! Maybe next time!” and then run into your house and hide under the covers.

For all of the things that parents have to take into consideration during the festivities, Halloween almost always turns out to be an incredible holiday. (I’m counting down the days, as you know.) If you are getting overwhelmed, I do have one idea. The video below is of Jimmy Kimmel and a prank he suggested for parents with kids for Halloween. Nine times out of 10 we all love our kids to pieces, but every now and then, especially during the holidays we might be inclined to pull a prank of our own on them. (My mom showed up at my 4th grade class dressed as the Bride of Frankenstein, and had the teacher call me up to her desk. The teacher then pointed behind her and I turned, saw this ghoulish figure and screamed in front of all the entire fourth grade, which made them completely dissolve into hysterics. Thanks mom!) Anyway, if you don’t have the energy to pull a prank, watching these parents pull one sure cheers me up.


Happy haunting!

Emma Rae Curtis is a costume/dressing up/makeup & accessories expert. She mainly writes about Halloween but also about all things costume and dress-up related.

Posted in General Halloween, Halloween Party Planning, Holiday Costumes, Spook Alley | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Not Just for Boys Anymore: Superhero Costumes You Would Actually Wear


The Top Costume for Halloween 2012: Superhero Costumes

After the slew of superhero movies that were released this year–“The Avengers”, “Batman: The Dark Knight Rises”, and “The Amazing Spiderman” to name a few– I can almost guarantee that superhero costumes are going to be the go-to idea for Halloween.

Let’s Hear it for the Boy

I  don’t know about you, but everytime I see an old-school Robin (Batman’s trusty sidekick) costume, I just cringe. Maybe it’s because I am not a die hard fan, or maybe you have to be some sort of comic book (I know, I know, graphic novel is more politically correct.) purist, but the Robin getup was in desperate need of an update.

Mens Batman Costumes - Adult Deluxe Regency Robin Costume

Just look at this guy! It's embarrassing!

Thank goodness for the latest versions of Robin’s look, which came from the ” Batman and Robin” and “Batman Forever” movies and its costume designers Robert Turturice and Ingrid Ferrin, and their new, less-wimpy, inspired look for Robin. (Thank you, thank you, thank you…)

Neo Robin=Costume Awesomeness





Now that there are much better options to choose from when looking for a Batman costume, I can sleep a little easier at night knowing there aren’t hordes of young men out there committing social suicide by dressing up like old-school Robin.

(A semi tongue-in-cheek note to Parents: I don’t care how cool you thought the older version of the costume design of Batman and Robin was, good parents don’t let their kids go out in public like that.)

deantrippe:Girl Wonder.

On the other hand, this girl pulls old-school Robin off quite nicely. Photo by Dean Trippe.

Why Should Boys Do All the Saving?

Add a tutu, and you can turn big brother's old spiderman costume into spider girl. Add a big hair bow, too!

DIY Spidergirl

Another awesome costume trend this year is mixing it up in terms of gender. The creative minds of the past few years have been a boon in terms of female heroines. Batman’s Catwoman, the “The Hunger Games” Katniss, Hermione Granger from “Harry Potter” and “Coraline.” No, I did not include Bella Swan on that list. She isn’t a hero…she was suicidal and married a vampire, which doesn’t fit the classic definition of a hero. Ok, soapbox put aside.

R2 tutu! lol!

R2D2...viola "R2 tutu." You go girl!

Something I think is a tiny bit heroic? I’ve also seen a ton of little girls and young women, impatient with waiting for the girl-version of their favorite superhero, adapt classic heroes to their gender.

Check out these pics of a DIY Spidergirl (above), who just added a red tutu to a pair of Spidey jammies.  And for a femme R2D2(right), add a bodice, cute thigh-high socks and viola a “R2 tutu.”

Thankfully the big costume stores have noticed the need for girl-powered superheros, and the hot new costumes for 2012 reflect that. One of my favorite quotes from the Spiderman series has always been, “With great power comes great responsibility.” And in light of the new offerings for girls and women, the folks behind the latest and greatest costume offerings are taking their ability to fictionally empower kiddos with superhero costumes for everyone.



Just for Costume Inspirational Fun: “Batman The Dark Knight Rises: Movie Trailer

Emma Rae Curtis is a costume, dressing-up, makeup and accessories expert. She mainly writes about fun Halloween party, craft, and costume ideas, but she especially loves writing about all things costume and dress-up related.

Posted in Batman, Halloween Costumes, Halloween Costumes For Boys and Girls, Super hero cotumes, Top Halloween Costumes 2012 | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Get Creative With a Theme Jack-O-Lantern Display

I may have mentioned before that I am a nerd. In addition to Halloween, I love sci-fi, and fantasy. As I was developing ideas for my Halloween decor this year, I decided that I am going to do my jack-o-lantern display in a theme.

  Actually, a couple of different themes… the first one will be a temporary jack-o-lantern installations in honor of the my neighbor kids, who are all going as Hogwarts kids for their pre-Halloween party. Harry Potter Costumes - Harry Potter Robe for Child

While they are in their Harry Potter costumes, I figured I’d try be supportive and get them in the mood with a pumpkin display of Harry Potter and Hogwarts characters. ( I’ll be showing up in my Professor Trelawney getup.) 

“So you may have chosen to study Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you at the outset that if you do not have the Sight, there is very little I will be able to teach you. Books can take you only so far in this field…”

~Professor Trelawney, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

The stencils available for this are pretty amazing… they range from the truly artistic to the simple and little kid friendly. Just because I “solemly swear that I am up to no good” and I’m going with a Harry Potter theme, doesn’t mean you have to stick with the same.

What’s your favorite movie, or book character, or Halloween villain? I figure there are plenty of theme ideas out there: vampires, Jack the Pumpkin King, witches, dragons, robots, werewolves, and superheroes.

Oh, who wouldn’t enjoy the opportunity to “skewer” a pumpkin-esque presidential candidate this campaign season

Happy Carving, Halloween Fans!


A Few Pumpkin Carving Tips From Emma Rae

Using the proper tools helps you carve that perfect jack-o-lantern.

  • Prior to carving, after cleaning soak the pumpkin in a staying power solution. (1 gallon water+1teaspoon bleach)
  • Use larger pumpkins. They’re easier to work with, and it’ll be easier to get intricate details onto a larger surface.
  • Make sure the pumpkin is ripe, but not too old, moldy or otherwise damaged.
  • Rather than cutting a single hole in the top, cut a hole in the top as well as a square section in the back for easier cleaning, carving and candle lighting.
  • If you plan to go for one of the hardcore pumpkin designs, pumpkin carving kits really are worth the money. Even the simple knives and scrapers make the job much simpler.
  • If you accidentally get overzealous with your cutting job and the pumpkin loses a crucial piece, don’t start over! Just use a toothpick to reattach it! 
  • Be advised: there are pumpkin carving power tools out there. Booyah, baby! Watch for drills, like the Dremel, linoleum cutters, melon ballers, hole cutters and miniature saws.  Use these are your own peril, be careful, but by all means, use them. You’re serious about pumpkin carving, aren’t you?
  • pumpkin carving party For the easiest carving, always use a template. You can find lots of templates online, and there are free Harry Potter templates, too.
  • Once your masterpiece jack-o-lantern is finished, coat the carved, exposed edges with cooking oil or cooking spray to keep it moist and fresh longer.
  • Sprinkle some fall spices like cinnamon or cloves into the pumpkin to add a nice fragrance as the candles warm the pumpkin.
  • When it’s time, light them up and as that lovely amber glow infuses the evening, take a deep breath and step back to enjoy all of your hard work.
  • Here’s a link to a printable of some super simple carving tips to print out for a pumpkin carving party.

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Patterns, Tips and Ideas

Emma Rae Curtis is a costume, dressing-up, makeup and accessories expert. She mainly writes about fun Halloween party, craft, and costume ideas, but she especially loves writing about all things costume and dress-up related.

Posted in General Halloween, Halloween Costumes For Boys and Girls, halloween crafts for kids, Halloween Decor, Halloween Party Planning, Holiday Crafts, jack-o-lanterns, Pumpkin carving | Leave a comment

Halloween Fun: Great Ideas to Get you Ready

easy halloween costumes The mornings are getting colder and the leaves are just starting to get the slightest  amber yellow twinges on them. I love this time of year and it really gets my annual fall holiday planning mood kicked into high gear. And, by high gear, I mean excessive holiday excitement that should probably be illegal. I’ve been known to jump up and down in the aisles of grocery stores when they start stocking up on pumpkins.

I love spending hours at shopping at decorating bazaars, choosing those perfect holiday crafts, decorations, and homemade children’s Halloween costumes. I’ll spend a cool Saturday morning with a to-go cup of my favorite spiced chai tea latte and I’ll walk from craft fairs to open markets to get inspiration and ideas. And I do it all for you, my dear readers and fellow Halloween fans. Here’s what caught my fancy last weekend.

DIY Kids Costumes

cute Halloween costumes costumesAs much as I love to shop at those giant seasonal Halloween stores, I still have a soft spot for the creative types who come up with their own costumes.

You can make an octopus baby by adding stuff socks to an elastic belt, or use a red dress, jacket, cape and tutu to create a “Little Red Riding Hood” or cover a box with tinfoil for the classic little robot costume.

You’d be surprised at what you can design and create with a few simple items like a makeup kit, and some temporary hair color, the key is to use your imagination.

Halloween costumes! halloweenDIY is really in this year, but even if that’s not your thing, you can still add your own personal touches to a commercial costume.

Don’t forget to get those kids in on the action! They are a source of great ideas and imagination, and even the teenagers like to come up with ideas.

Fall Decorating


Photo via Martha

My next batch of ideas for fall should really go without saying… it’s just not the same if you don’t invest a little time and energy into decorating.

I was talking to one of my girlfriends about fall decor, and she explained that she doesn’t decorate for Halloween since she doesn’t care for looking at skeletons and spiders. I suppose that’s understandable, but that doesn’t mean you can’t decorate at all.

There are countless types of fall decorations that bring the spirit of the holiday season in, but not so much of the creepiness, if its a concern. There are lots of variations on the classic pumpkin…a pumpkin painted white with a black and orange ribbon is a nice accent. Try adding some black candles and a white candelabra to your dinner table, or a black feather wreath to your front door. fall decorations #halloween #fallThe fragrances of the season are also a nice touch… look for candles and wax warmers scented like pumpkin spice, harvest or other scents to use in your home.  However you decide to decorate your home for fall and Halloween, be it with a dark and ghoulish look or just a festive touch of fall color, just be sure to get out there and enjoy the beauty of autumn. A day spent sauntering through a park in the crisp air just might inspire your own decoration craft idea or do-it-yourself costume.

Emma Rae Curtis is a costume/dressing up/makeup & accessories expert. She mainly writes about Halloween but also about all things costume and dress-up related.


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Halloween Party Games and Activities

Halloween  celebrations are usually about the costume party and games. Party and activities are just a way to lighten up the mood of the celebrations. Whether your party is only for the young goblins or is for grown-ups, there has to be some fun element to it that can be achieved with the help of some exciting games and activities.

There are several traditional games that are popularly played during the Halloween celebrations. If you are looking for some non-traditional games and exciting activities to have a bash in the party, we have some suggestions for you. You can blend traditional games and activities with some unique party ideas and surprise your guests and let them have cherishing memories and look forward to the next party hosted by you.

Games and Activities for Halloween

Pot Luck

Potluck parties, may it be for any gathering or party, can be fun and adds a tinge of creativity to the celebrations. This way you can add some unique variety to the party menu too. Ensure that the recipes are fun for both adults and kids alike. Ask your guests to bring simple side dishes that can compliment your main course.

Pumpkin-based recipes can be nutritious but creepy to match the Halloween party theme. Basic potluck recipes such as cupcakes and cookies can be a little modified to make it Party ready.

Costume Designs

Host a party with a fun activity in it, costume designs! Arrange the required material for costume designs such as card stock, acrylic color, scissors, paints, pumpkins, devil nails, and hats. Ask your young guests to design a costume for themselves.

This activity can engage youngsters in creativity and give the host the time to organize other elements of the party. Once, the ids have finished making the costume, ask them to don the same and have a costume parade so that the other guests can admire their creativity. You can even keep prizes for the best costume, and maybe give more than one award, such as a best witch costume, or best vampire costume.

Pin the Nose on Jack-o-Lantern

This is a childhood favorite game and can be entertainment for all the guests to your party. Cut out a nose to be pinned to the jack-o-lantern face carved pumpkin. Send each blindfolded child from a distance and ask him to pin the nose on the carved pumpkin placed on a table. Click a photograph of  how the child has pinned the nose and show it to him later.

Halloween Pinata

This activity can let kids vent some aggression and at the same time shriek with delight to receive rewarding sweets. You can either purchase a pinata or make it at home with balloons or card paper.

Fill the completed pinatas with treats, sweets, candies, small prizes, and other decoration items. Hang the pinata from the ceiling or a tree in the front yard. Let kids be blindfolded and under supervision, ask them to swing bats in an attempt to open the pinata to grab the sweets.

Eyeball Relay

Relay races have been a favorite sports activity of children.  Get a little creative with this sports activity and induce some creepy stuff to suit the holiday party. Draw eyes on table tennis balls and for that additional eerie look, add some red color to it so as to disguise oozing blood from the eyeball. Divide the children in teams of 3 or 4 each. Give one eyeball and a spoon each to a team. Ask every team to start the race and hand over the eyeball to the next representative at the stipulated spot. The team finishing the race first will win a prize.

Halloween party games and activities induces fun and excitement to the holiday celebration. If you have to host a party for the first time and you need some party ideas and suggestions for games, you may visit Hope the above given games and activities stimulate your creativity and help you organize a successful Halloween party.

Guest Post Author Bio: Kathryn Allen is a versatile freelance writer. She enjoys writing on festival topics such as Halloween, Christmas, etc. She also loves to share her personal life experiences through her articles. For more on her you visit at Kathryn-Allen blog.

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Holiday Costume Ideas for Teens

Moooommm! I have nothing to wear!

I can imagine that parents of teenagers find very few phrases as chilling as the ones above. But, fear not! For I, Emma Rae, am at your service. This Halloween, your teenager will have their pick of awesome teen Halloween costumes that will won’t break the bank, or leave too much skin exposed.


Andy Barclay: Chucky says Aunt Maggie…got what she deserved.
Karen Barclay: Andy. How can you say something so horrible?
Andy Barclay: I didn’t say it, Chucky did.

If your teen wants to go scary, it can be as simple as dressing in a jumper dress and spray painting their hair red. Add a little red lipstick and blush, and your teen can add a few other accessories to create either a creepy clown, a Chucky doll, or an homage to Carol Burnett…just beware if she starts saying things like, “Hi, I’m Chucky. Wanna play?” In fact, if she does, and she happens to be holding an axe, I suggest you run, and maybe you should grab your chainsaw…you know,  just in case.

If your teen is into nautical things or books that feature marine characters, a mermaid is another great idea for a teen, since it’s not too sexy, and not too young. This costume is grown-up enough that most teen girls will like it, and it makes for a great photo opportunity should your daughter take a merman as a date.  Other hot trends in teenager costumes include superheroes, animals, or fairy tale heroines. There a lots of movies that feature teen girls as the heroine this year, and with a little creativity, these make really simple Halloween costumes. Think of a teen version of Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, or Alice in Wonderland.


Let your teenager show off in this hilarious Dumb & Dumber costume.

For the guys, there’s always vampires, Frankenstein, or something inspired from a movie…say “Dumb and Dumber.”




Emma Rae Curtis is a costume/dressing up/makeup & accessories expert. She mainly writes about Halloween but also about all things costume and dress-up related.

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